Homeopathic Consulting Services

Thank you for inquiring about our homeopathic consulting service. We are able to offer assistance in most situations. In order for homeopathic care to be successful, we must talk to you initially at some length to determine the pattern of illness from which your companion is suffering. Once we understand the situation, a homeopathic remedy is prescribed along with a recommended diet and appropriate nutritional supplements.

Most situations that we deal with involve a chronic illness (e.g. an illness that is long lasting and requires treatment over several months). Regular appointments are necessary every 2 to 4 weeks (depending on the severity of the case). These follow-up consultations are usually 15-30 minutes in length. The treatment will be adjusted as necessary depending on your progress reports. 

The initial consultation can be somewhat lengthy as we are gathering all the history and pertinent information together for the first time. Depending on the complexity of the case, the consultation takes about 45 to 90 minutes with you directly and perhaps another 30 minutes in analysis and research deciding on the appropriate treatment approach. Fees are based on the time Dr. Herman spends on the case: this applies to both time talking to you, office visits, faxes and time working on the case afterwards. Since most of our cases are long standing and complex, you will be asked to schedule at least an hour consultation to get the specifics of the case and select the initial therapy.

Never used homeopathy?  Want to learn more before deciding on a consultation?  
Review these great tutorials:  http://homeopathyplus.com/category/tutorials/

In addition to these services, we also offer routine homeopathic wellness exams for your companion animal.

Homeopathic Fees

 Homeopathic Health Exam: 
 Consulting Fees:
0-3 minutes for follow-up or questions to be answered: no charge
4-15 minutes: $55.00
16-30 minutes: $110.00
31-45 minutes: $165.00
46-60 minutes: $220.00

 After Hour Emergency Phone Fee: 
$55.00 (plus minutes spent)

Remedies and supplements are charged for separately and may have a shipping and handling fee depending on the size of package. These products are subject to Maine sales tax.

***There is a charge of $50.00 for appointments missed without a 24-hour notice***

We hope this gives an accurate overview of our procedures. Please feel free to ask any questions.

Thank you from all of us at the Animal Wellness Center.

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